Oh You Oneiric Ocelot – Ubuntu for Dummies like me

After whinging about switching to Ubuntu for years (since the days of Feisty Fawn I believe), I finally did it without much fanfare. Ta-da!

Ubuntu Wubi Installer

Ubuntu Wubi Installer

I was  thinking about putting up some posts about installing via Ubuntu Wubi, but installation and (god forbid) uninstallation is SO easy, I decided not to insult anybody’s intelligence.

I currently have it running on dual-boot with Win XP, and am trying to figure out several things about running a Linux OS.

For one, Ubuntu 11.10 keeps freezing on me if I move too fast and I can’t find a Task Manager anywhere.  I’d already hard-rebooted my PC three times since installing it three hours ago, and then I realise that it’s possible to do a terminal command to kill whatever app has frozen (That’s so Android!).

I also spent another thirty minutes figuring out why I couldn’t access my screenshots taken in Ubuntu in Win XP. You can certainly see them in Explorer, but try to open or otherwise touch them, nothing happens.  Delete them, and the system message tells you that the source file can’t be read.

Don’t get me wrong, after so many years and versions, Ubuntu has become really sexy and, I believe, user-friendly, in a manner of speaking. But when it comes to people who need their systems set up a certain way, and when only certain software will do, there’s probably going to be another three hundred hours spent in googling. And this time worse, trying to make sense of so much geekspeak it makes my head hurt.

For now, here’s a quick look at how sexy and Mac-ish the Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot is.  Suddenly I miss my iBook.

Ubuntu 10.11 Oneiric Ocelot

Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot

How much more Mac OS can you get?

Ubuntu 11.10 GUI - Launcher, System Settings, Screenshots and more

Ubuntu 11.10 GUI - Launcher, System Settings, Screenshots and more

This much more – The Dash. And Workspaces too.

Ubuntu 11.10 - The Dash

Ubuntu 11.10 - The Dash

Back to the three hundred hours of  research. It’s time to up my XP again.

GeekXP minus1000

GeekXP minus1000